January 05, 2010

Basic Pasta Sauce (from scratch)

The other night I was treated to a wonderful meal my girlfriend prepared, creating a pasta sauce from scratch using a family recipe. It was a delightful evening with good company and a bottle of Scaia bianco (white) wine from Andronico's back in California. She made so much pasta that we were able to have it for two more meals - and there's still a ton of sauce left. Make no mistake, this makes a lot of sauce! Feel free to enjoy as-is or flavor with any additional spices, herbs, etc. Enjoy.


1 large jar or can of whole tomatoes
1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste (depending on the consistency you like)
1/2 onion, diced
salt and seasonings to taste


1. Grill diced onion in a small pan.
2. Blend together the onion, whole tomatoes, and tomato paste.
3. A little bit at a time, add various seasonings and salt to the sauce and blend and taste.

That's it! It's easy and delicious. I like to add red pepper or maybe cajun sometimes, though a bit of garlic powder and oregano is always good too.

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