May 01, 2015

Sourdough Pizza

Here is our sourdough take on our classic Thin Crust Pizza on a pizza steel. If you like a little bit of that sourdough favor (but not a full-blown San Francisco punch), you're going to be into this. It's a little different and good in its own way. Let us know how it turned out for you. Enjoy!

Thin Crust Pizza on Steel

Yield: 3 pizzas
  • 205 g lukewarm water
  • 1 cup (183 g) sourdough starter
  • 1/2 tablespoon kosher salt
  • 1/8 cup olive oil
  • 345 g all-purpose flour
Cooking Directions
  1. Mix the starter, salt, and olive oil with the water in a non-airtight lidded container.
  2. Mix in the flour without kneading, using a spoon.
  3. Cover and allow to rest at room temperature until dough rises and flattens. This could take longer because of the sourdough.
  4. At this point, you can store it in the fridge for up to a week or dust the top with flour and cut into three pieces. The other pieces may be wrapped tightly with plastic wrap and stored in the freezer for several months.
  5. Preheat oven to its highest temperature and place baking steel or stone on the middle or lowest rack. Let preheat for 20-40 minutes.
  6. Shape dough into a ball by stretching the surface around to the bottom on all four sides. Do this minimally.
  7. Flatten with your hands on a well-floured surface. Get the dough to 1/8 inch thick. Use a floured rolling pin if needed. The dough will spring back some, so you may need to stretch it further than you think of stretch it again. Once stretched and relaxed, place onto a cornmeal-covered pizza peel.
  8. Place your toppings on the dough. Be minimalistic.
  9. Slide the pizza directly onto the steel or stone. Pizza may be done in as little as 4 minutes, so check to make sure it's not overcooking.
  10. Allow to cool for a minute on a rack to allow the cheese to set.

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