May 12, 2010

Exotic Fruit Sushi Night!

It's hard to tell from these pictures (in fact, it's basically impossible), but there's fruit inside that sushi. Yes, fruit. Sweet and tangy fruit. We made four types of rolls - two with fruit and two without - and it only worked really really well with one of the fruit sushi rolls. But that's the price of experimenting sometimes.

By the way, the sauce you see is eel sauce poured on top and there was also the traditional soy sauce on the side. We also did plain sashimi strips of ahi tuna!

So read on for more. I won't tell you how to make sushi rice or how to roll your sushi - there are plenty of resources out there for that - but below you'll find a mixture of maki that hopefully will inspire some experimentation of your own. And if that's all I've done here, I'll be happy. What kind of sushi have you experimented with yourself? Enjoy!

Sushi 1 - California roll + sprouts

All of the usual ingredients for a california roll plus bean sprouts. Sushi sticks were used instead of normal imitation crab meat.

Sushi 2 - Tuna Cucumber roll + sprouts

Sashimi-grade Ahi tuna and cucumber with bean sprouts. Plain and simple.

Sushi 3 - Fruit roll

Avocado, banana, kiwi, and cucumber.

Sushi 4 - Fruit and Tuna roll

Avocado, kiwi, Ahi tuna, and (maybe) banana.

Guess which one was the weird one? What kind of sushi experiments have you conducted?

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