April 16, 2010

Grilled Yogurt Cheese on English Muffin Bread

A new experiment for moi: making my own yogurt cheese. It was fun and it turns out there are a number of different things one can do with yogurt cheese. But one question remained: will it grill?

Things you'll need for this experiment:

Cheese cloth
English muffin bread or English muffin

Piece of pie, right? Easy as cake, you say?

Wrong! OK, you're right. I just wanted to say that. More after the jump.

English Muffin


1. Strain yogurt through cheesecloth until as much liquid is removed as you can possibly get from it. You've now made yogurt cheese! Congrats. Save the liquid in a bowl and use it to add a little something something to some juice, water, or protein powder drink.
2. Heat a pan on medium heat (either greased or ungreased), and place yogurt cheese on the hot pan, spreading out as thin as you like.
3. Flip over once the yogurt cheese has developed that nice fried crispiness that regular cheese gets.
4. Plop on top of English muffin (toasted or untoasted). Serve and enjoy!
Sometimes I like to drizzle a little honey on top or add a couple slices of banana. Mmm!


  1. Plop is a great word. I'd love to plop this cheese on some bread, and then plop it in my mouth.
